Rebecca Fraimow is the author of science fiction romantic comedy Lady Eve's Last Con (debut novel, Solaris, 2024) as well as the science fiction novella The Iron Children (debut novella, Solaris Satellites, 2023.)  Rebecca's short story "This Is New Gehesran Calling," was anthologized in Consolation Songs: Speculative Fiction for a Time of Pandemic (2020) and later longlisted for the Hugo Awards. Rebecca's other short fiction -- most notably the linked Yudah Cohen cycle of fantastical shtetl narratives -- has been published in various venues, including PodCastle, The Fantasist, Diabolical Plots, and Daily Science Fiction, among others. As an audiovisual archivist, Rebecca has also published and presented a number of articles and workshops about best practices for media preservation. Rebecca is married to fellow author Elizabeth Porter Birdsall, and lives in Boston with their very dignified cat.